Includes information on Canvas, AU's learning management system, for users in an instructor role.

Articles (34)

Pinned Article Getting Started with Canvas

An introduction to Canvas with suggestions on how to create your first course

Accessing Course Evaluations (Instructors)

Towards the end of each semester, students are given the opportunity provide instructor and course feedback using EvaluationKIT. Instructors can view current and past Course Evaluations. Some Deans also request that their Administrative Assistant have access to Course Evaluations in order to help organize and process them. Course Evaluations are access from the User's Canvas account settings.

Adding and Removing Courses from the Canvas Dashboard

Users are able to manage the courses that are displayed on their individual Canvas dashboard.

Adding Courses to Canvas

Courses are automatically added to Canvas the semester before they are to occur.

Adding Guests, Librarians, Tutors, and Teaching Assistants to a Canvas Course

Students and instructors are automatically added to your Canvas course, but this article explains how you can add additional people to a course.

Assignments in Canvas

Overview of assignments in Canvas.

Checking Course(s) for Broken Web Links

Instructors can use links in their courses to link to external content (YouTube video, publisher content, etc). It's a good idea to check and make sure that all of the links provided in the course work properly. To do this, Instructors can use the Link Validator Tool.

Converting Classic Couse Question Banks into New User Item Banks

Course Question Banks can be converted to user Item Banks and used in the New Quiz Format. Using the New Quiz Format allows users to share Item banks between users, make edits to bank questions that will update Quiz questions to reflect the edits and Item banks are tied to the user so they can be used in any course. Canvas does plan on releasing it's own conversion tool in the future, however in the meantime users will need to manually convert older Question Banks into Newer Item banks.

Copy Courses or Course Content

Instructors can copy course content such as assignments, modules, pages, and discussions from previous Canvas courses into existing courses (entire courses can also be copied). Importing a course more than once may have unintended consequences. If you import content into a new course, edit the content in the new course, and later import the previous content again, the imported content will override the existing content.

Copy Module Items & Modules Between Courses

As an instructor, you can copy module items and modules between courses that you have instructor enrollment.

Creating a Multi-File Assignment

Navigate to Assignments and create a new Assignment. Add an Assignment Name and Description. Assign a Point Value and (if you have weighted grading--move it to the appropriate Assignment Group). For Submission, Type Choose Online and only check Text Entry. Submission Attempts (Choose Unlimted just in case the student fails to submit multiple files the first time). Finally, Choose Assign to Everyone and add a Due Date and optionally add availability dates.

Creating a video notes Assignment using Annoto

Instructors can use the Annoto add-on (any video created, uploaded, or linked using Kaltura) to create an Assignment that allows students to create and submit personal notes for an assigned video.

Creating an Assignment that lets students use Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, etc.

Google Assignments LTI 1.3 is the solution for instructors who receive a Google related assignment submission that may have one several error messages relating to not being able to access the file due to incorrect sharing permissions on the student side. Google Assignments LTI 1.3 correctly applies all of the sharing permissions so you can view the assignment within SpeedGrader.

Creating Assignment Groups

Creating Assignment Groups allows you to organize the assignments in your course and create Weighed Grading if desired.

Creating Sections in Canvas & Adding Students to Sections

You can add a section to your course by editing your course Settings in Canvas. Sections help subdivide students within a course and offer section-specific options such as varied due dates for assignments, discussions, etc.

Getting Help with Canvas as an Instructor

There are a number of ways for instructors to get help with Canvas.

How to Create a Course Announcement

You can create an announcement to share important information with all users within your course and with users in sections of a course. In your notification preferences, you can choose to receive notifications for announcements created by you as well as replies to announcements you've created. Your course must be published for students to receive announcement notifications. If you import an announcement from another Canvas course, new announcement notifications will not send to course users.

How to Cross-List Courses in Canvas

Instructors may want to cross-list courses in Canvas when they teach multiple sections of the same course or teach classes that are listed under multiple captions.

Importing Content From a Prior Course

Instructors can copy/import their course content from prior semesters. Using the Canvas Course Import Tool, instructors can choose all content or select specific content from a prior course that they taught and import into their new course.

Migrate a Canvas quiz to New Quizzes

Instructors can migrate an individual quiz from Classic Quizzes to be used in New Quizzes

New Gradebook in Canvas

The new gradebook in Canvas is expected to replace the classic gradebook in 2020.

New Quizzes Tool in Canvas

The new Quizzes tool in Canvas is available for instructors to use on a course-by-course basis.

Printing off Quiz Statistics and Item Analysis in New Quizzes

Canvas does not currently have a way to print off the New Quizzes' Quiz and Item Analysis. However, Firefox allows users to get a fully printed screenshot (Google Chrome does not currently support a full screenshot).

Recording Google Meetings

Using a free add-on users can record Google Meetings and download them for later viewing.

Updating Canvas for a Student with an Incomplete

Students who need to finish incompletes will be unable to access the course unless special dates are added for that student. This article explains how to set this up in Canvas.

Use Google Drive Seamlessly in Canvas as an Instructor

You've always been able to share content from your Google Drive in Canvas, but now you will be able to do so seamlessly.

Using the Seating Chart in the Attendance Tool

The Attendance tool in Canvas (called Roll Call) allows instructors to create seating charts for their physical classrooms. To help keep track of who is in class and where in the class they are sitting, we recommend instructors use the Seating Chart feature.

Using your Google Docs Cloud Assignment as a "Template" for student assignments

Using Google Cloud Assignment, Instructors can create an assignment template using Google Drive that allows each student go be given their own copy of the assignment while the original (Instructor Copy) remains untouched.

Viewing My Course as the Test Student

Instructors can use the Test Student to see the student's perspective on Canvas, use Student View to view the course, post and reply to discussions, submit assignments, view grades, view people, view pages, view the syllabus, view quizzes, etc. Each course has a separate test student.

Weighted Grading

You can weight final grades based on assignment groups. Selecting this option assigns a weight to each assignment group, not the assignments themselves. Within each assignment group, a percentage is calculated by dividing the total points a student has earned by the total points possible for all assignments in that group.

Bookmarking Courses for Quick Access in Google Chrome

Canvas courses can be bookmarked in the bookmark bar and inserted into a folder to help with organization and quick access.

How can I tell if students are able to view something in my course?

The easiest way to determine whether or not students can access an assignment is by the Publish Status. Although, this is generally accurate, there are additional settings that instructors can change to make the assignment not accessible such as availability dates.

Importing a quiz from a QTI package in New Quizzes

Instructors can import quizzes from QTI packages in New Quizzes. Start by creating a new format quiz and then importing your QTI .Zip file You can only use QTI packages to create a new quiz. You cannot modify an existing quiz using a QTI import.

Creating an Entire Quiz from a PDF/Screenshot

Instructors can use a PDF that has been converted into a JPEG image as a Canvas Quiz in the New Quiz format via Stimulus Questions (note this process is best suited for single page documents).