Procedures for Law Enforcement and/or Execution of Legal Documents


This document outlines the procedures under which all Anderson University campus members are to engage with law enforcement officers or representatives of government agencies while aiding with investigations, audits and during the execution of warrants, issuance of subpoenas and request for information. 

It is our goal to support the important work of federal, state, and local law enforcement and is committed to cooperating with officers and agencies in ways that are consistent with the legal privacy protections of all students and employees.


This policy applies to all faculty, staff, and students of Anderson University.


  1. Upon arrival on campus, law enforcement officers/agencies must be directed to a “Responsible Party”. A “Responsible Party” includes the following Anderson University personnel.  Officers and/or agency representatives should be escorted and directed to these office locations, in this priority order:
  • The Dean of Students – Decker 204
  • The Director of Work Life Engagement – Decker 114
  • The Chief of Police – Decker 206
  • The Registrar – Decker 273

In the Dean of Student’s absence, all law enforcement officers/agencies must be directed to the Director of Work Life Engagement. In the event the Dean of Students and the Director of Work Life Engagement are absent, all inquiries must be directed to either Anderson University’s Chief of Police or Registrar.

  1. The law enforcement officer/agency must present their personal credentials (i.e.. badge) and an authenticated legal subpoena/warrant to the Responsible Party prior to the execution of any subpoena/warrant. 
  1. The Responsible Party will review the subpoena/warrant with the department that holds the requested record(s) and/or manages the location(s) involved to ensure it is valid and it specifies the scope and location of questioning, search, or seizure. The subpoena/warrant must include the purpose of the search, the item(s) or individual(s) involved, and the location(s) to be searched.
  1. The Responsible Party will coordinate the appropriate next steps with the department (Work Life Engagement, Registrar’s Office, Residence Life, Admissions, etc.) that holds the requested record(s) or manages the associated location(s).
  1. The Responsible Party will communicate directly with the employee(s)/student(s) in question. 
  1. Once the subpoena/warrant is authenticated, the law enforcement officer(s)/agency(ies) will be given access to the specified information/location(s).
  1. The Responsible Party will accompany the officer(s)/agency representative(s) at all times to ensure compliance with their request, mitigate any unnecessary disruption to the business or academic operation of the university, and to protect the privacy of employee and student information that is outside of the scope of the search as defined by subpoena/warrant. 
  1. The Responsible Party will document the event and conduct any necessary follow-up with any involved party after law enforcement has completed their operation.


Revision History

Version Date Author Revisions
1 2/19/2025 Dean of Students