Accessing Course Evaluations (Instructors)


Course evaluations are conducted each semester using EvaluationKIT and is accessed via Canvas. Students are given the opportunity to evaluate their instructors at the end of the semester. Faculy (and specific staff if requested by Department Deans) have access to current and past Course Evaluations. 


  1. In the main Canvas menu (grey menu at the far left), select Account
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select Course Evaluations
    • Note: Canvas will show the number of Course Evaluations that are available to you. 


Accessing Course Evaluations jpg.


Note: Depending on your role in the institution (student, faculty, staff/administrator), what you can access in Course Evaluations may be different. To see & change your Course Evaluation account access, use the drop-down arrow in the top right of the screen.


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Article ID: 139585
Thu 11/18/21 11:33 AM
Mon 11/6/23 2:02 PM