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    Publishing course media allows users within the course to view the media. Publishing media is a quick process. Publishing media does not publish the Canvas course.
    My Media and Media Gallery are similar Kaltura tools within Canvas. My Media spans across all of the user's Canvas courses and My Gallery shows on videos that have been published to each course.
    Students can submit video assignments using the Kaltura integration in Canvas. While it is possible to record and upload using a mobile device, it is much easier to use a laptop to submit a video assignment.
    Kaltura can be used to embed video announcements into your Canvas Courses.
    Kaltura is a tool that is built into all Canvas courses via My Media and Media Gallery. Kaltura can be used to manage a users media content, record. Uisng Kaltura instructors (and students can record, upload and edit media is created. Instructors can also create video quizzes and host Virtual Classrooms (video confereces similar to Zoom or Google Meet) directly within their Canvas course via the Media Gallery.
    Media files can be uploaded into MyMedia from a computer, laptop, and most mobile/smart devices. Kaltura has a dedicated Upload Media option in the My Media Action tools.
    A “SubRip Subtitle” file, also known as SRT (.srt), is one of the most common subtitle/caption file formats used. Videos created and uploaded using Kaltura will automatically be captioned and the captions can be edited, however if the user already has a caption file they can replace the machine caption file that is created. This tutorial will walk through teh process of manually creating a caption file.
    Any video that is imported into or created using Kaltura will automatically be machine captioned. Users can import their own captions if desired.
    Kaltura offers options for media collaboration and transfer of ownership.
    Instructors can create video submission assignments in Canvas using Kaltura.
    Media can be deleted using both My Media and Media Gallery. Media Gallery allows users to delete multiple files at one time. Videos that are deleted cannot be restored.