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    Course Question Banks can be converted to user Item Banks and used in the New Quiz Format. Using the New Quiz Format allows users to share Item banks between users, make edits to bank questions that will update Quiz questions to reflect the edits and Item banks are tied to the user so they can be used in any course. Canvas does plan on releasing it's own conversion tool in the future, however in the meantime users will need to manually convert older Question Banks into Newer Item banks.
    Canvas does not currently have a way to print off the New Quizzes' Quiz and Item Analysis. However, Firefox allows users to get a fully printed screenshot (Google Chrome does not currently support a full screenshot).
    Faculty, students, and staff can use Kaltura's Express Capture to record their screens.
    Instructors can convert a Word Document to an Excel or Google Sheets and then export it as a CSV file convert it to a .QTI file and import it into Canvas as a classic quiz. While this sounds like an extensive process if the instructor only has a Word Document of the questions and answers and doesn't want to directly rebuild the quiz directly into Canvas. This process can save the instructor lots of time.
    Each semester instructors like to pull content into their new courses from prior semesters, often times the due and availability dates need to be adjusted to match the the current semester (i.e. you don't want your students to submit an assignment that was due last year). With the bulk edit feature; assignments, quizzes, tests, exams and discussions can all be adjusted from a single page.
    Instructors can use a PDF that has been converted into a JPEG image as a Canvas Quiz in the New Quiz format via Stimulus Questions (note this process is best suited for single page documents).
    Instructors can copy course content such as assignments, modules, pages, and discussions from previous Canvas courses into existing courses (entire courses can also be copied). Importing a course more than once may have unintended consequences. If you import content into a new course, edit the content in the new course, and later import the previous content again, the imported content will override the existing content.
    Instructors can copy/import their course content from prior semesters. Using the Canvas Course Import Tool, instructors can choose all content or select specific content from a prior course that they taught and import into their new course.
    Instructors can migrate an individual quiz from Classic Quizzes to be used in New Quizzes
    Instructors can import quizzes from QTI packages in New Quizzes. Start by creating a new format quiz and then importing your QTI .Zip file You can only use QTI packages to create a new quiz. You cannot modify an existing quiz using a QTI import.
    You can create an announcement to share important information with all users within your course and with users in sections of a course. In your notification preferences, you can choose to receive notifications for announcements created by you as well as replies to announcements you've created. Your course must be published for students to receive announcement notifications. If you import an announcement from another Canvas course, new announcement notifications will not send to course users.
    Navigate to Assignments and create a new Assignment. Add an Assignment Name and Description. Assign a Point Value and (if you have weighted grading--move it to the appropriate Assignment Group). For Submission, Type Choose Online and only check Text Entry. Submission Attempts (Choose Unlimted just in case the student fails to submit multiple files the first time). Finally, Choose Assign to Everyone and add a Due Date and optionally add availability dates.
    The easiest way to determine whether or not students can access an assignment is by the Publish Status. Although, this is generally accurate, there are additional settings that instructors can change to make the assignment not accessible such as availability dates.
    You can weight final grades based on assignment groups. Selecting this option assigns a weight to each assignment group, not the assignments themselves. Within each assignment group, a percentage is calculated by dividing the total points a student has earned by the total points possible for all assignments in that group.
    The Start Meeting button can appear to be missing from a Canvas course. Fortunately, it's really easy to re-enable the virtual classroom. To re-enable the virtual classroom: navigate to Media Gallery > Channel Actions > Enable Newrow Live Room; Save the changes and go back to the Media gallery.