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Students can add Kaltura videos, upload videos and record their screens for discussion posts.
Adding videos to pages is a quick process when using the Rich Content Editor. The Embed Kaltura Tool is recommended as it allows for uploads, direct recording and screen capture, linking to public Youtube videos, and importing content from MyMedia Videos can be added just about anywhere in Canvas when you interact with the Rich Content Editor (announcements, discussions, quizzes, assignments, etc.)
Media can be added to Canvas Course Pages using Kaltura via the Rich Content Editor.
Kaltura Personal Capture is available to all Canvas users, however, Kaltura Personal Capture must be installed on the user's computer before it can be used.
Faculty, students, and staff can use Kaltura's Express Capture to record their screens.
Kaltura provides users with video analytics to see who has watched the videos, how much time they spent watching videos, and whether or not they completed the videos. Only videos published in the Media Gallery or Embedded using the Rich Content Editor Can be view in the Kaltura Video Analytics.
Zoom Videos can be uploaded to Canvas by using Kaltura's Media Gallery +Add Media option. Find the video file and either drag and drop or click the upload button and navigate to the video and upload it manually. Once a title has been added and the video has finished processing it can be saved and published to the course Media Gallery.
Publishing course media allows users within the course to view the media. Publishing media is a quick process. Publishing media does not publish the Canvas course.
My Media and Media Gallery are similar Kaltura tools within Canvas. My Media spans across all of the user's Canvas courses and My Gallery shows on videos that have been published to each course.
Playlists are a great way to help students stay organized and engaged when interacting with your Kaltura Media. If you had a set lecture series published in your course Media Gallery and wanted student to be able to quickly sort out the lectures series from the rest of the content, creating playlists will meet this need.
To complete the recording, enter in a title and description and click save and upload.
The Kaltura Video Editor can be used to Trim, Clip, and Splice Media. Note: two independent videos can not be combined or spliced together using Kaltura's video editor (i.e. a lecture was recorded each week and you wanted to combine them into one single lecture).
Instructors can change their profile picture in their Kalura virtual classroom by going to Newrow (the platform that hosts the virtual classroom). After starting a Virtual Classroom Session, the user needs to open up a new tab and go to and click on the profile picture icon to change the profile picture. The profile picture will the same for all virtual courses.
The Kaltura Virtual Classroom is a great way to have virtual meetings, allow remote students to stay engaged in the class. Becoming familiar with all the features will help users be able to use it to its full potential