Kaltura has a virtual classroom feature similar to other video conferencing platforms such as BigBlueButton, Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, etc. The two main features of the virtual classroom are that the link never changes and the link to join the virtual conference is only inside of Canvas (located in the Media Gallery).
Launching the Class
- To start the virtual classroom, log into Canvas, and enter the course that you want to have the virtual classroom session in.
- Click on Media Gallery
- Click on Start Meeting button located in the right side of the screen. (If you don't see the button, it means that your screen is too small. Zoom out by clicking the Ctrl and - keys on a Windows PC or the Cmd and - keys on a Mac).
Your classroom is now live and broadcasting. If students wish to join the Virtual Classroom, then they need to go to the same Canvas course, click on Media Gallery and then click the red Join Meeting button.
To end the session, click the small gray square with the right-facing arrow (next to the three vertical dots at the top). A dialogue box will ask you to confirm ending the session.
Starting the Recording
Recording may take up to 3 minutes to start, so make sure you do this before the class begins.
- In the Kaltura Virtual Classroom menu, click Tools and select Recording.
- Select the duration of your recording. (You will be able to stop the recording early. Also, you will get a warning before the recording stops with the ability to extend the recording time if needed.)
- Click Start.
It will take up to 3 minutes to start the recording. I banner will appear at the top of the screen letting you know recording has started and a clock with display the amount of time that you have been recording. To stop the recording click on the clock and follow the prompts. Recordings will be listed in the Media Gallery a short time after recording has stopped. You will be able to edit the recording.
Adding a Moderator or Giving Special Permissions to Students
In some situations, you may want someone to serve as a moderator or allow a student to share their screen or files with the class.
- Once the moderator or student has entered the Kaltura Virtual Classroom, hover your mouse to the left of their name. Click on the icon that appears to expand the permission settings.
- To set the individual as moderator, click the checkbox next to the option at the bottom Set [Name] as moderator. If you don't want to give all moderator rights, you can select individual permissions from the list under the heading Allow [Name] to:.

A star will appear to the right of anyone who has special permissions. You can repeat the process to un-check privileges when the individual needs to be returned to the student role.
Tips and Recommendations
- Become familiar with the various tools in the Virtual Classroom. Check out our in-depth video series to learn more.
- You may need to zoom out to see all of the classroom tools
- Whiteboards are "saved" until you clear them.
- Clicking on the Tools tab at the top allows you to use common video conferencing tools such as Desktop Sharing (screen sharing), access your Kaltura video library, create breakout rooms, or record the session (recording are sent to My Media with a date/time stamp).
- Students will not have access to all the Instructor tools unless you set their permission levels. Participants > Select the user > Drop down arrow next to name > choose permissions (moderator gives students full instructor tools).
- If a student is misbehaving, you can silence them by clicking Participants > Selecting the Student > Click the Red Live button (note: you can't fully kick a student of a classroom).
- Clicking the back button does not end the meeting.
Questions? Need Help?
If you have questions or need some help, please let ITS know by submitting a Raven Solutions request.