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    How to set up a Google Meet from Google Calendar
    This is a tutorial on how to set up the mic and camera for a Google Meet
    This is a tutorial on how to share your screen in Google Hangouts Meet and miscellaneous conferencing options that are available to the user.
    Digital whiteboarding is possible with Google Hangouts Meet via free software that AU uses in lots of classrooms. You simply need to download and install this software and then "Present Screen" and start whiteboarding.
    The Kaltura Virtual Classroom is a great way to have virtual meetings, allow remote students to stay engaged in the class. Becoming familiar with all the features will help users be able to use it to its full potential
    Zoom is a web conferencing platform that offers polling, chat, breakout rooms, and many other functions. Instructors can record their meetings, schedule conferences, and share files with students all in one location.
    Changing the save location for Zoom Recordings can make the recording files easier to find. With a few simple steps, you can change the file save location to anywhere you want (the recordings can even be saved to Google Drive).
    Zoom is integrated into Canvas, but instructors must add it to their courses in order to use it.
    Information on creating your Zoom account.