The easiest way to add a Kaltura video to a Canvas Module is by using the Canvas Pages tool. Once a video is published to the Course Media Gallery then it can be added into a Canvas page using the external tool add-on in the Rich Content Editor. Make sure to Save and Publish the Canvas Page when the process is complete or students won't be able to see the page/video.
1. Start by going to the desired course and choosing the + button on the module in which the video will appear. If you have already created the page, you can skip ahead to the Rich Content Editor

2. Choose Page as the Module Item.

3. Select "New Page", Name the page, and Press the Add Item button.

4. Go back to the Modules (or Pages) and find the name of the Page you just created and click on it.

5. Click the Edit Button in the upper right side of the page.

6. In the Rich Content Editor, Choose the External Tools icon and select Embed Kaltura Media.

7. Using the Embed Kaltura Media option, choose Add from Library.

8. Choose the Media clip you want to add to the page by clicking Embed. (You can search for Media by (A) Title of Video or (B) Scrolling through the Published Course Videos). Videos must be published to the Media Gallery in order for the videos to be viewable in the Course Media Gallery.

9. When you are finished adding details, etc. click Save to Save the video without publishing the video to the course or Save & Publish to save and publish the video to the course.

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