Includes Canvas, classrooms, multimedia, course evaluations, surveys, and other instructional technologies.

Services (11)

Akindi (Bubble Testing)

Information about AU's bubble testing system

Canvas (Instructors)

Faculty and staff information for Canvas, AU's learning management system. Use this form for asking questions, reporting problems, requesting extra courses, merging course sections, and requesting training or consultations.

Canvas (Students)

Student information on getting help with Canvas, AU's learning management system

Classroom Emergency

ITS staff are available 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM to assist with classroom emergencies. Use this form for us to send someone to your classroom immediately. Since you are reporting a classroom emergency, ITS staff will interrupt the class in progress to fix the issue.

Course Evaluations (EvaluationKIT)

Information about AU's course evaluation system

Instructional Technology

An instructional technologist is available to help instructors try new technology in their classes.


Kaltura is a video platform within Canvas that allows instructors to create rich, media experiences for students.


Advanced survey software for faculty, staff, and students that need it for academic purposes


Information about AU's screen recording software used for creating videos and narrating PowerPoints

Studio 55

Information about Studio 55, a recording studio for faculty and staff in Decker 55

Technology Training for Academic Classes

Includes requests for technology training for academic classes