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    Services or Offerings?
    AccessAU Academics and AccessAU Finance

    Depending on their role within the university, they may need to have additional access within AccessAU. Changes to the permissions of existing staff may be requested here.

    Request a license for Adobe Creative Cloud/Adobe Acrobat Pro, or request assistance with software already installed

    Information about AU's bubble testing system

    ITS provides Sophos anti-virus software on all university-owned computers.

    The AU App is a great way to stay connected to campus events and information.

    Standards for writing and grammar for AU related digital and print materials.

    ITS has presentation equipment for checkout and delivery on campus for faculty and staff.

    Add an event to the calendar.

    Let us know if you're unable to find your Media Access Control (MAC) Address.

    Faculty and staff information for Canvas, AU's learning management system. Use this form for asking questions, reporting problems, requesting extra courses, merging course sections, and requesting training or consultations.

    Student information on getting help with Canvas, AU's learning management system

    Schedule delivery and set-up of food and drinks to your university meeting or event.

    ITS staff are available 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM to assist with classroom emergencies. Use this form for us to send someone to your classroom immediately. Since you are reporting a classroom emergency, ITS staff will interrupt the class in progress to fix the issue.