Canvas (Instructors)


Canvas is AU's learning management system. It provides instructors with a password-protected system to provide students with course materials and create learning experiences through tools like discussions, assignments, conferences, and quizzes. Canvas is used for both on-campus and online classes.

ITS provides support for instructors. If Canvas misbehaves, the ITS wants to know about it. Additionally, the we are prepared to:

  • Answer questions
  • Create extra courses (all academic courses are automatically created)
  • Merge course sections, Copy courses, import content
  • Provide training sessions and consultations with instructors

Departments may also use Canvas for training and organizational purposes. Staff members are welcome to request help from ITS.

Students needing help should visit the Canvas (Students) service page.


This service is available for faculty and staff.

How to Request Help

To request help, please click the Request Help button on the right.

What to Expect

After a request is made, you can expect someone from ITS to contact you within our normal business hours.

Request Help

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