Instructors can use the Virtual Classroom to meet with students online through their Canvas courses. By using the Newrow Virtual Classroom, students will typically not have to log in a second time/log into an external site or have to click on a calendar or email invite link to join the meeting. The only time students will have to "log in" to the virtual classroom is when they do not join from the Media Gallery (i.e. they join via a direct link within the course or a link that the instructor has sent out to the student).
Note: it is not recommended that students use an ipad, tablet or mobile device to join the virtual meeting.
To join a virtual classroom, Go to the Canvas course that the meeting is scheduled to be in. Click [1] Media Gallery on the left side of the screen and on the next page press the [2] Join Meeting button on the upper right corner of the screen.

You may have to refresh the page if you don't see the Join Meeting button. Sometimes students make it to the Media Gallery page before the instructor starts the Meeting. If this is the case, please be patient and continue to refresh the page until you hear from your instructor regarding whether or not the meeting will be taking place.

Once you have Joined the meeting, follow the onscreen prompts to enable your web cam and mic.
Questions? Need Help?
If you have questions or need some help, please let ITS know by submitting a Raven Solutions request.