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    Adding videos to pages is a quick process when using the Rich Content Editor. The Embed Kaltura Tool is recommended as it allows for uploads, direct recording and screen capture, linking to public Youtube videos, and importing content from MyMedia Videos can be added just about anywhere in Canvas when you interact with the Rich Content Editor (announcements, discussions, quizzes, assignments, etc.)
    Faculty, students, and staff can use Kaltura's Express Capture to record their screens.
    Kaltura can be used to embed video announcements into your Canvas Courses.
    Kaltura is a tool that is built into all Canvas courses via My Media and Media Gallery. Kaltura can be used to manage a users media content, record. Uisng Kaltura instructors (and students can record, upload and edit media is created. Instructors can also create video quizzes and host Virtual Classrooms (video confereces similar to Zoom or Google Meet) directly within their Canvas course via the Media Gallery.
    After the instructor starts the virtual meeting within Canvas, students can join the virtual classroom by going to the course's Media Gallery and pressing the Join Meeting button.
    The Start Meeting button can appear to be missing from a Canvas course. Fortunately, it's really easy to re-enable the virtual classroom. To re-enable the virtual classroom: navigate to Media Gallery > Channel Actions > Enable Newrow Live Room; Save the changes and go back to the Media gallery.
    This article shows the process of how to download a video from the user's Kaltura course Media Gallery.