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My Media and Media Gallery are similar Kaltura tools within Canvas. My Media spans across all of the user's Canvas courses and My Gallery shows on videos that have been published to each course.
Instructors can change their profile picture in their Kalura virtual classroom by going to Newrow (the platform that hosts the virtual classroom). After starting a Virtual Classroom Session, the user needs to open up a new tab and go to and click on the profile picture icon to change the profile picture. The profile picture will the same for all virtual courses.
When video conferencing, your microphone may be muted without any indication that the mic is muted. You'll sometimes receive an error message saying "Your microphone is muted at the system level" when trying to use video conferencing software. Users must go into the mic's properties to access the mute/unmute button.
After the instructor starts the virtual meeting within Canvas, students can join the virtual classroom by going to the course's Media Gallery and pressing the Join Meeting button.
The Start Meeting button can appear to be missing from a Canvas course. Fortunately, it's really easy to re-enable the virtual classroom. To re-enable the virtual classroom: navigate to Media Gallery > Channel Actions > Enable Newrow Live Room; Save the changes and go back to the Media gallery.