Using Annoto, students can make personal time-stamped notes and sentiments on instructor videos and then export them and upload them as an assignment submission.
Step 1: Open the Assignment, read the instructions, and then click on the Annoto bubble at the center-right of the video.

Step 2: As the video progresses, write personal notes and sentiments in the comment box (notes will automatically be time-stamped and sentiments such as the question mark can indicate a question about content in the video or the heart icon to "like" a moment in the video). Press the send button to add your notes and sentiments)

Step 3: After you have completed the video and have finished taking notes, open up the Annoto video menu and press the Export Notes button

Step 4: Unless your instructor specifics XLSX (for Exce/Google Sheets) Choose DOCX for the export type

Step 5: Locate and upload the file as the assignment submission (or drag and drop the file into the icon below to upload it).
Common locations are Desktop, Downloads, Documents, etc.

Step 6: Press the Submit Assignment to submit the file and complete the assignment

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