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Services or Offerings?
Training information on classroom technology for faculty and staff

An instructional technologist is available to help instructors try new technology in their classes.

Includes requests for technology training for academic classes

ITS is available to help with conference room technology and TV displays in a limited capacity.

Guest accounts are created to provide technology resources for qualified 'non-Anderson University' individuals.

Includes information on technology training for individuals and departments

This service is to request a new email account that is not tied to an individual (ex.

Need some help with technology? Have a question? Click on the link above to contact ITS.

Please complete this form to request a Student Worker Account for each student worker and graduate assistant in your department who needs to use technology as part of their job duties.

If a classroom is malfunctioning, ITS is ready to help

ITS staff are available 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM to assist with classroom emergencies. Use this form for us to send someone to your classroom immediately. Since you are reporting a classroom emergency, ITS staff will interrupt the class in progress to fix the issue.

Equipment checkout and training for video and web conferences