Sometimes students will encounter assignments that have multi-part submissions. Using the Rich Text Editor (text box) students can add multiple items to the assignment submission.
Step 1: Select the Embed Kaltura Media tool and Choose Record from Webcam Make sure to turn on Screen Share if you wish to record your screen!
Select whether to turn your webcam and mic on or off and which tab, window or full screen you would like to share. When you are ready press the Record button.

Step 2: After recording, press the "Use This" button
Step 3: Press the Embed button (the embed button will turn green after you press the "Use This" button)
Alternatively, if you are not satisfied with the recording, Press "Record Again" to start over.

Step 4: Locate your mouse cursor at the bottom of the video and press the Enter key to add a space between the video and the second item
Step 5: Select the Document Icon and Choose Upload Document. Locate your document and add it to the Assignment submission
Step 6: When you are finished with the assignment, Press Submit Assignment

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