Setting missing Assignments to Zero in the Gradebook


In most instances, it is helpful to set up your Canvas Grade book so student missing assignments are marked with a zero in the grade book. By default, Canvas ignores missing assignments until the the instructor enters a grade in the grade column for the student. Typically when a grade book policy isn't set, students that are doing poorly may think they are doing well until they receive their final grade and realize that they are missing lots of assignments. A submission is labeled missing when the due date has passed and/or it has not been submitted. Only submissions with a status of Missing will be affected by the Missing Submission policy. The Missing Submission policy is set per course.



Open Grades

Open Grades

In Course Navigation, click the Grades link.

Open Gradebook Settings

Open Gradebook Settings

Click the Settings icon.

View Late Policies

View Late Policies

In Gradebook Settings, view the Late Policies tab.

Apply Missing Submission Policy

Apply Missing Submission Policy

Click the Automatically apply grade for missing submissions checkbox. Selecting this checkbox will automatically apply the grade you set for any missing submissions in the course.

Set Missing Submission Percentage

Select Missing Submission Percentage

Set a percentage in the Grade percentage for missing submissions field.

Apply Settings

Apply Settings

Click the Apply Settings button.


Questions? Need Help?

If you have questions or need some help, please let ITS know by submitting a Raven Solutions request.

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Article ID: 141447
Tue 2/15/22 4:42 PM
Tue 2/15/22 4:43 PM