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Services or Offerings?
Includes requests for technology training for academic classes

An instructional technologist is available to help instructors try new technology in their classes.

Known commonly as clickers, these kits are available for classes and meetings.

ITS staff are available 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM to assist with classroom emergencies. Use this form for us to send someone to your classroom immediately. Since you are reporting a classroom emergency, ITS staff will interrupt the class in progress to fix the issue.

Want to open a social media account or aren't sure what to do with the one you have? Learn more about opening, closing, or maintaining AU-related Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and TikTok accounts as well as how to handle duplicate accounts. We will share best practices, help you choose which platform is best for your audience, and go over AU guidelines.

Information about AU's screen recording software used for creating videos and narrating PowerPoints

AccessAU Academics and AccessAU Finance

An outage is a service interruption that affects multiple people. If you suspect there is an outage of any ITS service, please let us know.

This service will allow data users to submit requests for institutional level reports. For requests related to current students and courses, please contact the Registrar's Office.

Request a copy of or access to Anderson University photos.

Signage requests related to COVID-19 and social distancing.

Approval of designs and projects created outside of Marketing and Communication.

Request a consultation with our Marketing and Communication team so we can plan and brainstorm your event or project together.

Request a reprint of a design project with no edits or changes.

If a classroom is malfunctioning, ITS is ready to help