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    Any Video Converter is a free tool that can convert video files to MP4. After downloading the program, it's a matter of dragging and dropping the files you wish to be converted, selecting the output as MP4 and pressing the convert button.
    Students can you ScreenPal/Screencast-O-Matic for free to record presentations up to 15 minutes. The presentations can then be edited and uploaded to Google Drive and then shared as a link for a Canvas assignment.
    Caption files are important for videos so that those with hearing impairments can still follow along with the content. This article gives instructions on how to upload caption files to videos on Google Drive.
    This article goes over the basic of Google drive (uploading files, creating folders, removing/deleting files).
    In 2010, AU switched to Google as our email provider. The switch provided us with unlimited storage that we could extend to anyone affiliated with AU. Unfortunately, Google has changed its storage policy for education and will soon enable limits on space for Gmail, Drive, and Photos. After careful review and consideration, the University has decided to change the Alumni Email program to new accounts that will be email only. We treasure our Alumni and did not make this de
    You've always been able to share content from your Google Drive in Canvas, but now you will be able to do so seamlessly.
    You've always been able to share content from your Google Drive in Canvas, but now you will be able to do so seamlessly.