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    Zoom Videos can be uploaded to Canvas by using Kaltura's Media Gallery +Add Media option. Find the video file and either drag and drop or click the upload button and navigate to the video and upload it manually. Once a title has been added and the video has finished processing it can be saved and published to the course Media Gallery.
    To complete the recording, enter in a title and description and click save and upload.
    Uploading content via Canvas tools is a great way to engage students. By using the Rich Content Editor (RCE) you can access all of your Kaltura media or create new media directly for what you are doing.
    Media files can be uploaded into MyMedia from a computer, laptop, and most mobile/smart devices. Kaltura has a dedicated Upload Media option in the My Media Action tools.
    Any video that is imported into or created using Kaltura will automatically be machine captioned. Users can import their own captions if desired.
    This article provides students with instructions on how to submit an assignment with a
    media recording submission type. To submit a media recording assignment, you will need
    to have a microphone and a webcam if you are also doing video.
    This article goes over the basic of Google drive (uploading files, creating folders, removing/deleting files).
    Using Kaltura, It is possible to record, upload, and submit content from your mobile device to Canvas. Currently the Canvas App does not allow users to submit content. Users will need to go to the Anderson University Canvas page on their mobile device ( ).