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    Instructors can convert a Word Document to an Excel or Google Sheets and then export it as a CSV file convert it to a .QTI file and import it into Canvas as a classic quiz. While this sounds like an extensive process if the instructor only has a Word Document of the questions and answers and doesn't want to directly rebuild the quiz directly into Canvas. This process can save the instructor lots of time.
    Kaltura is a tool that is built into all Canvas courses via My Media and Media Gallery. Kaltura can be used to manage a users media content, record. Uisng Kaltura instructors (and students can record, upload and edit media is created. Instructors can also create video quizzes and host Virtual Classrooms (video confereces similar to Zoom or Google Meet) directly within their Canvas course via the Media Gallery.
    Instructors can use a PDF that has been converted into a JPEG image as a Canvas Quiz in the New Quiz format via Stimulus Questions (note this process is best suited for single page documents).
    Instructors can migrate an individual quiz from Classic Quizzes to be used in New Quizzes
    Instructors can import quizzes from QTI packages in New Quizzes. Start by creating a new format quiz and then importing your QTI .Zip file You can only use QTI packages to create a new quiz. You cannot modify an existing quiz using a QTI import.