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    Signing in to a Google Chromebook using your AU Gmail account gives you access to your Google Drive, allows you to download & upload files, and use G Suite Apps such as Google Docs or Google Slides. It's very important that you sign out of the Chromebook after you are finished using it. The Chromebook does have a Guest Browsing mode that lets you browse the web but won't let you access any of the files. Don't forget to sign out when you are finished using the Chromebook.
    The Google Slides Presenter View has many Audience Tools, such as allowing the presenter to ask questions, the audience to ask questions, allows questions to be voted on and allows questions to be shown live during a presentation. These Audience Tools allow for a more engaging presentation for the audience.
    Google Assignments LTI 1.3 is the solution for instructors who receive a Google related assignment submission that may have one several error messages relating to not being able to access the file due to incorrect sharing permissions on the student side. Google Assignments LTI 1.3 correctly applies all of the sharing permissions so you can view the assignment within SpeedGrader.
    PDFs, Google Docs, and other various file formats can be embedded into a Youtube Video.