AU uses Google groups for two primary purposes:
- Mailing List: Email lists use groups to manage messaging a large group of people. Some mailing list groups are automatically managed by processes created by ITS, but a small number of lists can be managed by group owners, who can add and remove users.
- Delegated Accounts: Delegated access to accounts that don't belong to a single user are managed using delegated groups. Owners of those delegated groups to add and remove other users.
Adding a New Member to the Group
- In Gmail, click the application menu icon and select the Groups tile.
- Look for your group. If you are managing a delegated email account, your delegated group with start with the prefix DEL and contain the email address that is delegated. Click on the name of the group to open it.
- In the menu on the left, click on the People link.
- Click the (1) Add Members button.
- In the Members text box, (1) search for and select the member you would like to add. Members must have @anderson.edu email addresses to be delegated to a group. No one outside the university can access a delegated email account. (2) Click the Add Members link.
New members can access the delegated account by clicking their name in Gmail and looking for delegated account. (More information and screenshots are available here.) If new members don't see the delegated account in their list, they should sign out of Gmail and log back in.
Removing a Member From Group
- In Gmail, click the application menu icon and select the Groups tile.
- Look for your group. If you are managing a delegated email account, your delegated group with start with the prefix DEL and contain the email address that is delegated. Click on the name of the group to open it.
- In the menu on the left, click on the People link.
- Hoover your mouse to the left of the person you want to remove and (1) check the box that appears. (2) Click the remove button at the top of the menu.
- Click the OK button to remove the person.
Questions? Need Help?
If you have questions or need some help, please let ITS know by submitting a Raven Solutions request.