Google Calendar can be used to allow KACE staff to see the availability of tutors. Creating a separate calendar will allow the tutor to have privacy for their normal calendar events and help to keep the calendar view less cluttered.
1. Open Google Calendar. and click the + icon next to Other calendars

2. Choose Create new calendar

3. Add a Name, Description, choose the Time Zone and Press the blue Create calendar button
(it is helpful to include your name in the tutoring calendar. i.e. Rodney Raven Tutoring Schedule)

4. Click on the three vertical dots next to the new Calendar that you just created

5. Choose Settings and Sharing (Optionally you can select a different color for the calendar).

6. Click the + Add people button

7. Type in the name of the person(s) that you wish to share the calendar with (KACE Staff)
7b. If you wish for the KACE Staff to be able to make edits to the calendar on your behalf (i.e. student calls and cancels tutoring session), Change the permission from [B] See all event details to [C] Make changes to events.
8. Press the Send button

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