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    Course Question Banks can be converted to user Item Banks and used in the New Quiz Format. Using the New Quiz Format allows users to share Item banks between users, make edits to bank questions that will update Quiz questions to reflect the edits and Item banks are tied to the user so they can be used in any course. Canvas does plan on releasing it's own conversion tool in the future, however in the meantime users will need to manually convert older Question Banks into Newer Item banks.
    Canvas does not currently have a way to print off the New Quizzes' Quiz and Item Analysis. However, Firefox allows users to get a fully printed screenshot (Google Chrome does not currently support a full screenshot).
    Instructors can use a PDF that has been converted into a JPEG image as a Canvas Quiz in the New Quiz format via Stimulus Questions (note this process is best suited for single page documents).
    Instructors can migrate an individual quiz from Classic Quizzes to be used in New Quizzes
    Instructors can import quizzes from QTI packages in New Quizzes. Start by creating a new format quiz and then importing your QTI .Zip file You can only use QTI packages to create a new quiz. You cannot modify an existing quiz using a QTI import.