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    Google Assignments LTI 1.3 is the solution for instructors who receive a Google related assignment submission that may have one several error messages relating to not being able to access the file due to incorrect sharing permissions on the student side. Google Assignments LTI 1.3 correctly applies all of the sharing permissions so you can view the assignment within SpeedGrader.
    Select the blue Start Assignment button (or New Attempt button if you have already attempted the assignment and the instructor allows for multiple attempts). Choose the Apps Icon (it looks like a power plug for an electrical device) and select Google Apps. Choose the file you want to add by clicking on the picture of it and then pressing the blue Select button at the bottom left of the window. Press the Embed button. Press enter 2x and repeat the process. When Finished Press Submit Assignment
    Navigate to Assignments and create a new Assignment. Add an Assignment Name and Description. Assign a Point Value and (if you have weighted grading--move it to the appropriate Assignment Group). For Submission, Type Choose Online and only check Text Entry. Submission Attempts (Choose Unlimted just in case the student fails to submit multiple files the first time). Finally, Choose Assign to Everyone and add a Due Date and optionally add availability dates.