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    Downloading and installing LockDown Browser is an important step in the process of using LockDown Browser. You should only have to download and install LockDown Browser one time and then you are free to use it to take exams.
    Downloading and installing LockDown Browser is an important step in the process of using LockDown Browser. You should only have to download and install LockDown Browser one time and then you are free to use it to take exams.
    LockDown Browser is a locked browser for taking quizzes in Canvas. It prevents you from printing, copying, going to another URL, or accessing other applications during an assessment.
    Duplicating a Test in Canvas is a process that takes under three minutes. If a student needs to have a test proctored and LockDown Browser is not an option, however the text was setup using LockDown Browser, then a duplicate copy of the exam will need to be created.