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    Google Assignments LTI 1.3 is the solution for instructors who receive a Google related assignment submission that may have one several error messages relating to not being able to access the file due to incorrect sharing permissions on the student side. Google Assignments LTI 1.3 correctly applies all of the sharing permissions so you can view the assignment within SpeedGrader.
    Students can you ScreenPal/Screencast-O-Matic for free to record presentations up to 15 minutes. The presentations can then be edited and uploaded to Google Drive and then shared as a link for a Canvas assignment.
    As a student, you can download all your assignment submissions in Canvas. Submissions are for both current and concluded courses and only include any files that were submitted to fulfill an assignment; they do not include any submissions modified by instructors, such as annotated submissions.
    Instructors can create video submission assignments in Canvas using Kaltura.