Converting a Word Document into a Canvas Quiz


Instructors can convert a Word Document to an Excel or Google Sheets and then export it as a CSV file convert it to a .QTI file and import it into Canvas as a classic quiz. While this sounds like an extensive process if the instructor only has a Word Document of the questions and answers and doesn't want to directly rebuild the quiz directly into Canvas. This process can save the instructor lots of time.



It's possible to Convert a Word Document into a Canvas Quiz. The Word Document has to be recreated in either Google Sheets (or Excel) saved as a .CSV file and then uploaded to a Qti Converter (a link will be provided for the Qti converter). The Qti converter will convert the spreadsheet to a zipped file that can be imported into the course. 

Note: Building Quizzes in Canvas provides the user with lots more question types (and is usually the best route; however if you already have content in a Word file and you don't wish to manually rebuild it into a Canvas Quiz this may be a good alternative route). While using this method, you will only be able to use Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer, True False. You could go through with the import process and if needed, you could add additional questions to the quiz once you are in Canvas (essay, fill in the blank, matching, drop-down, etc.)


Step 1: Create a Word Document That has Questions and Answers. Don't put Question numbers or answer letters (ABCD, True/False, etc.) next to your question text See the picture below for the correct formatting. Doing so will make it more difficult to copy and paste the info into the spreadsheet.  If you have already created the Word Document, go ahead and remove numbers and letters in the context of question & answer. If you need a temporary answer key, make a copy of the Word document so that you can highlight correct answers, mark A,B,C,D, add question titles etc. as you won't be able to highlight or have this Word formatted data in the Google Sheets/Excel (it will have to be deleted for the quiz to work properly). 

Alternatively, if you haven't created the Word Document and want to skip a step, you can create the Questions and Answers directly in a Spreadsheet instead (Step 2)

If you are starting from "Scratch"/ If you didn't create a Word document (Step 1) that's okay! Either Open Google Sheets or Excel and continue reading below (The questions and answers will be created in a spreadsheet anyway). 

Step 2: After You have finished creating the Word document, Open Google Sheets and create a blank spreadsheet (the blank spreadsheet button is on the left side towards the top), or Open Excel and create a new sheet (by default when you open Excel; it should automatically open a new/blank sheet. If it doesn't Select File at the top and choose New (left side towards the top). 

There are no headers or footers, just the data that needs to be entered in each column and row

  • Column A is the type of question: MC (multiple choice) and MR (multiple response). For True/False questions, also use MC.
  • Column B leave this blank is not used but must be there.
  • Column C is the point value of the question. It can be between 0-100 and up to two decimal places (3.33)
  • Column D is the question body (this is where you copy and paste or type in your question) "What is...", "When did..." "Calculate the..." "How do you..."
  • Column E is the correct answer. The numbers 1-5 each correspond to one of the possible answers listed in columns F-J.
    • 1 to indicate a
    • 2 to indicate b
    • 3 to indicate c
    • 4 to indicate d
    • 5 to indicate e
    • For True/False questions, use 1 for True and 0 for False. Clear any unused cells.
  • Columns F-J are the possible answer choices. Type your answers into these cells. The default is 4 choices, but you can have up to 6 (multiple-answer/MC

    Hint: Ctrl+C to copy (Command+C on a Mac) & Ctrl+P (Command+P on a Mac) to Paste
  • This is a  Google Sheet instructional version of the formatting that is needed (pay attention to the cells that are highlighted Yellow for additional instruction on the formatting)

Step 3: In Google Sheets choose File > Download > Comma Separated Values (.csv)

In Excel (make sure to save it to an easy location to find--Such as Desktop Choose File > Save As >CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv)  and then press the Save button

Step 4: Add your .CSV file into the K-State University public Classic to Canvas QTI 2.0 Converter tool and press the    Perform Conversion    button
Note: this is a free educational tool and credit goes to Dane Miller & Alexandre Adams, ITAC Help Desk Developers. K-State University 2014

The saved QTI .zip file will likely be in your Downloads, on your Desktop, or in your Documents (don't unzip the file)

Step 5: Head back over to Canvas go to the course that you want the quiz to end up in and open the course Settings (bottom left of the screen (you may have to scroll a bit)

Step 6: Click the Import Course Content button

 Step 7: Select Content Type and choose QTI .zip file

Step 8: Press the Choose File button and select the .csv file you just created (it will probably be in Downloads, Documents, or Desktop). After you have chosen your file and selected the options, press the blue    Import    button

Options:  Leave both boxes unchecked--If you want to reuse these questions for a future test, use the drop-down menu in Default Question Bank to either create a new Question Bank for the questions or add them to a pre-existing Question Bank. You will be able to Migrate this quiz to the New Quiz format if you like after you import it. Do not try to import the QTI .zip file as a New Quiz; as it will import the quiz with no questions. 

If you do want your Word-created quiz in the new format, you must first create a "shell quiz"  and then Import the QTI .zip file into the Quiz (Think of it as though you are adding additional questions to an already existing new format quiz). 

Note about Question Banks & Item Banks: Question Banks are in the classic quiz format and the Questions Banks are tied to the course, and in the Newer Item Bank format the Item Banks are tied to the users. 


The new Quiz that you imported will be in both the Assignments tab and the Quizzes tab. 

Questions? Need Help?

If you have questions or need some help, please let ITS know by submitting a Raven Solutions request.



Article ID: 157019
Fri 2/9/24 11:22 AM
Thu 6/6/24 8:44 AM