In the spirit of our shared commitment to the well-being of our Anderson University family, this Inclement Weather Policy seeks to ensure safety during challenging weather conditions while upholding the essential fabric of our community. By considering the needs of each member, this policy provides guidance on defining inclement weather, channels of communication, residential support, fostering workforce flexibility, and other relevant considerations.
In the spirit of our shared commitment to the well-being of our Anderson University family, this Inclement Weather Policy seeks to ensure safety during challenging weather conditions while upholding the essential fabric of our community. By considering the needs of each member, this policy provides guidance on defining inclement weather, channels of communication, residential support, fostering workforce flexibility, and other relevant considerations.
It is our goal to meet moments of institutional adversity, including inclement weather, with empathy, understanding, and compassion for one another. Anderson University commits to prioritizing the safety and well-being of students, faculty, and staff while preserving essential functions and giving guidance for process and procedure during inclement weather.
This policy applies to all faculty, staff, and students of the Anderson University residential campus and those students and faculty who engage with the Anderson University community via online learning.
Policy Procedures
Defining Inclement Weather:
- Inclement weather includes, but is not limited to: severe storms, heavy snowfall, icy conditions, or any weather situation that may pose a challenge to the safety of our university community.
Determining Closure Levels:
- The Provost or Vice President for Finance, informed by recommendations from the Director for Enterprise Risk and Facilities and the Chief of Police, will submit a recommendation to Cabinet.
- Cabinet will determine the level of closure, if any.
- The corresponding policy procedures will be activated for the degree of closure determined.
Closure Levels:
- Level 1: Academic instruction/modality determined by instructor.
- Level 2: 2-Hour Delay
- Academic: In-person academic instruction will be moved to online until 10 a.m. or canceled at the discretion of the faculty member. Online academic instruction continues as normal.
- Administrative offices open at 10 a.m.
- Level 3: 4-Hour Delay or Partial Virtual Operations
- Academic: In-person academic instruction will be moved online during any delayed in-person start or mid-day transition to virtual operations. Online academic instruction continues as normal.
- Administrative: Administrative offices will operate in-person on a half day schedule. Staff will work in-person either beginning at 1 p.m. or ending at 12 p.m., and work remotely, if adequate technology is available to support the completion of work, the other half of the day.
- Level 4: Virtual Operations
- Academic: In-person academic instruction will be moved online, and online academic instruction continues as normal.
- Administrative: Staff may work remotely, if adequate technology is available to support the completion of work.
- Level 5: University closed; all classes and events canceled
- Anderson University will not remain open if travel were to be strictly prohibited or illegal. The university would close in the event that inclement weather generated power outages within a 30-minute radius of the university, limiting the opportunity for cohesive virtual operations.
- Refer to the Crisis Management Policy for more information.
When Weather Impacts Facilities:
- It may be necessary to close campus for other emergent conditions that result from inclement weather, including, but not limited to: facility maintenance, technical, and power outages.
- Refer to the Crisis Management Policy for more information.
Communication of Care:
- In times of challenging weather, we pledge to communicate promptly and transparently through channels that connect us all. The university will strive to communicate any changes in operations by 6 a.m.
- University Website: The Office of Marketing and Communication will add a banner to the homepage.
- Email Notifications: The Office of the Provost will send an email to all students, faculty, and staff. Should the Provost’s office not be able to originate this communication, the Director of Enterprise Risk and Facilities shall assume this responsibility. The Office of Police and Security will email with any corresponding building openings or closures due to inclement weather.
- Raven Alert: The Director for Enterprise Risk and Facilities will send a text notification to all students, faculty, and staff. Should the Director of Enterprise Risk and Facilities not be able to originate this communication, the Office of Police and Security shall assume this responsibility.
- Social Media: The Office of Marketing and Communication will notify stakeholders through our social media platforms.
- Media Relations: The Office of Marketing and Communication will notify the press.
- Decisions on class delays or cancellations will be made with the earliest consideration for the safety of those commuting to campus.
Employee Guidance:
- Travel: The safety of our faculty and staff is paramount. We advise all employees to use best judgment when considering travel to campus during challenging weather. The degree to which persons encounter difficulty traveling to the university varies greatly. If an employee determines by using best judgment that it is not possible to travel safely to the university, and the university has remained open, then they are to communicate with a supervisor directly to determine whether to work remotely or take a paid time off (PTO) day.
- Flexibility: Our commitment to flexibility extends to work arrangements. Remote work or adjusted hours may be considered, and we encourage open dialogue between employees and supervisors to find solutions.
- Remote Work Guidance: All employees who have been granted the ability to work remotely during inclement weather are expected to be available during scheduled work hours. Remote employees must be connected to the VPN, available by phone through the Mitel softphone application, and follow all other expectations as determined by their director.
Essential Services:
- Certain university functions, whether contracted or provided directly by the university, such as those providing safety, maintaining facilities, food service provision, and delivering essential administrative services, may need to continue during inclement weather. Employees in these roles must follow departmental protocols.
Class and Event Cancellations:
- Should classes be canceled, faculty should communicate promptly and clearly with students to identify alternative arrangements for missed coursework.
- Events scheduled during inclement weather may be rescheduled or canceled at the discretion of the event host, unless otherwise directed by university administration.
- Athletic events will follow NCAA guidelines for cancellations, as communicated by the Director of Athletics.
Student Clinical or Internship Activities:
- The university reserves the right to restrict clinical or internship activities during inclement weather to maintain student safety. All students on clinical rotations/internships are encouraged to discuss a plan of action with their site preceptor or supervisor, which shall comply with the following procedures:
- All students on clinical rotations/internships should follow clinic/hospital/company policies and procedures for their specific site during inclement weather. However, student safety must remain a priority. A student should contact their university's clinical coordinator/director/internship coordinator as soon as possible for guidance. On a case-by-case basis, a determination will be made as to whether the student should proceed or remain at the clinical or internship site.
- If an evacuation order is issued, students and their clinical supervisors should consult about the appropriate course of action.
Support for Residential Students:
- The well-being of our residential students is our priority. Please keep an eye on university communication channels for updates.
- In cases of severe weather, our Residence Life staff will guide students with warmth and care, ensuring safety and, if needed, assisting with relocation to designated safe areas.
Questions and Concerns:
- Operations questions or concerns during inclement weather may be directed to the Director for Enterprise Risk and Facilities or the Vice President for Finance.
- Academic questions or concerns during inclement weather may be directed to the Office of the Provost.
- Athletic questions or concerns during inclement weather may be directed to the Director of Athletics.
Review and Update:
- This policy, a testament to our shared care, will be reviewed annually and updated to ensure its continued effectiveness. Amendments will be made as needed to address emerging challenges and campus dynamics.
Policy Status
Drafted and submitted by the Policy Advisory Committee. Approved by Cabinet on 1/10/2024.