A video submission assignment is a great way to allow students to be engaged in the course. Students can either record content and upload into Canvas using Kaltura or students can pull pre-recorded content from their My Media repository. While it is much easier to record content using a laptop, students can still use their mobile devices if that is their only recording option. For student questions on how to submit a video assignment using Kaltura, check out the article, Submitting a Kaltura Video Assignment.
To create a video assignment open up a course and choose the module you want the assignment to appear in (alternatively you can create the assignment in the assignments tab and add the assignment in at a later time)

Either choose a New Assignment or choose a pre-existing assignment if you have already created the video assignment in advance and you are just adding the assignment into the module. Name the assignment and press the blue Add Item button.

After you have pressed the blue Add Item button, locate the assignment by going into the modules or searching through the assignments and clicking on the assignment.

Press the Edit button to add the option to edit the assignment

[1] Click on the External Tools and choose [2] Embed Kaltura Media

Add any necessary instructions, details, etc. [1] Choose a point value [2] Choose Submission Type: Online [3] Check the box: Text Entry [4] Choose the Due Date and optionally the availability dates (when students can access the assignment) and finally [5] Press the Blue Save Button

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