Overtime Calendars can accumulate in the Calendar Sidebar (in both sections; My Calendars and Other Calendars). Instead of toggling Calendars on and off, users can remove/hide other Google Calendars from their primary Calendar view. This helps to clean up the Calendar view. Removing/hiding the Calendar from your sidebar doesn't take away your access to the Calendar. This article will show how to hide Calendars, restore hidden Calendars and completely remove them (unsubscribe from them and delete them if you are the owner).
To Hide a Calendar from Primary View
Step 1: Hover over the Calendar you wish to hide and select the three vertical dots
Step 2: Choose Hide from list

Add a Calendar to Primary View that has been hidden from view
*Note: You must already be subscribed to the Calendar/the Calendar must already be shared with you
Step 1: Select the Gear Icon
Select Settings

Step 3: Locate the Calendar you wish to re-add back into the Calendar Sidebar and click the eye with the line through it to re-add it (you may need to scroll down to find it)

To Unsubscribe from a Calendar (completely remove the Calendar)
Step 1: Click on the Gear Icon
Step 2: Select Settings

Step 3: Locate the Calendar wish to remove (in the picture I have chosen my Test Calendar)
Step 4: Select Remove Calendar (you may need to Scroll Down)
Step 5: Select Unsubscribe and repeat as many times as needed
To Exit Settings: Select the back arrow in the top left (any changes you make will be saved automatically)

Permanently Deleting a Calendar
- If you are the owner of the Calendar, you also have the option to Delete the Calendar (this is useful in scenario's such as a reoccurring event that occurred throughout the semester that will not be occurring in future semesters using this same Calendar).
- Deleting the Calendar will delete/permanently remove everyone's shared access to the Calendar
Step 1: Click on the Gear Icon
Step 2: Choose Settings

Step 3: Locate/Select the Calendar you wish to delete
Step 4: Select Remove Calendar or Scroll down to the bottom
Step 5: Select Delete and Repeat as needed
To Return to the Calendar, Select the return arrow in the top left (Changes are saved automatically)

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